Office Services

Comprehensive psychiatric evaluations

Traumatic brain injury evaluations

Second opinion consultations

Medication management

Genetic Testing (will be provided a kit to test at home)

Athlete mental health treatment and performance

First responder mental health (Police, Firefighters, EMTs, Military) 

Conditions Treated

Mood disorders

Anxiety Disorders




Sports Psychiatry/Sports Psychology

Depression related to neurological conditions

Learn More


Office News:

Longwood Psychiatry & Sports now open in Kennett Square!

Currently offering Virtual visits or in-person visits

Now a proud partner with The Becoming Counseling and Wellness PLLC

the Official National Counseling Center for the Hall of Fame Behavioral Health

New article just published on substance abuse treatment in athletes: Dougherty JW III, Baron D. Substance Use and Addiction in Athletes: The Case for Neuromodulation and Beyond. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(23):16082.

Honored to be a chapter contributor for the newly released book: Sport and Mental Health From Research to Everyday Practice by David Baron

For Ketamine inquiries please visit

Office hours:

Tues-Thurs: By appointment only

Friday:8-4 pm    


696 Unionville Rd, Suite #8

Kennett Square, PA 19348

484-402-6131 Office